Monday, November 29, 2010


To familiarize my readers with the new site, I have prepared a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

Q: What is The Place to Be, and do I belong?

A: If you hold an affinity for arts & entertainment, you bet your sweet ass you belong.  If you recognized that within both the blog's title and the ensuing 100 or so words, are three popular culture references, this is the place for you.  At its core, The Place to Be (TPTB) is a venue allowing me to analyze my two greatest passions, arts & entertainment, and share my opinions, realizations, and any other thoughts provoked. 

The driving force behind TPTB is my reviews.  I will review American film, music, television, and literature from all eras.  As I churn out reviews, I will eventually develop a rating system for the different mediums; that is, a way for my readers to get a feel for my opinion of the creation "at a glance."  In addition to reviewing mediums readily consumed within the confines of one's home, I will also publish reviews of any live concerts or art exhibits I attend.

In addition to posting my original content, I will also post any links, articles, videos, etc. I feel should be of interest to my readers, along with my accompanying thoughts.

Q: Wait, I'm nervous about being inundated with obscure pop culture references. What if I haven't memorized the entire script to, say, the classic 1993 children's film, The Sandlot?  Will much of TPTB's content go over my head, rendering the site useless?

A: No. Every last pop culture reference carefully intertwined into the subject matter will be cited via footnote. In clicking on the footnote, the reader is whisked away to a page explaining the origin of each reference, as well as how it pertains to the aforementioned subject matter. 

Q: What's the deal with politics? 

A: Politics, a subject in which I've only recently developed interest, will be touched upon from time to time.  As I am admittedly green on the topic (at least to the point where I feel comfortable pontificating to the masses about the subject), I will look to feature rare guest columns written by colleagues particularly well versed in the political arena.    

Q: RPK, what you've done here is really fresh and exciting!  I'd like to do something similar, but I don't have a blog. If I were to craft a story I think might fit TPTB, would you mind hosting it for me?

A: Of course!  The success of the site depends largely on its readers; the greater the input from you, the greater the place to be!  Feel free to use the 'comments' option below blog entries to offer critiques or insight, but if you feel your thoughts warrant their own special platform, then by all means, get at RPK!

As you make your journey through The Place to Be, it is important to remember it's in its infancy.  This site was established at my place of employment on a dreary, post-Thanksgiving-break Monday morning, in an effort to deter yours truly from pulling a Jack Torrance.  While the site will cater to my interests, I am not yet sure how my passions will manifest themselves within TPTB.  I have done my best to lay out the projected format of the site for my readers, but the only thing I know for certain is I'm going to enjoy the hell out of writing this thing.